Arthur was in the first Persian Gulf War. He was a disabled veteran.
He used to be disabled. He’s always a veteran.
At 300 pounds, he was a candidate for a heart attack and a stroke. He suffered from sleep apnea. He used crutches to move. Leg braces to walk. Back braces to stand. And he needed assistance with everyday tasks such as putting on a pair of pants.
One day, through a direct marketing message, he discovered a yoga fitness program created by a retired professional wrestler named DDP (Diamond Dallas Page). In the information product, DDP said there were three things everyone has control over: how we think, how we breathe, and what we put into our mouths. It was at that moment Arthur decided to…
Take Control Of His Life
He stopped thinking of himself as a victim, stopped fixating on the problems, and started focusing on the solutions. So he started DDP’s yoga program.
He fell at first. He fell a lot. But then he got back up. Fell again. Got back up. And fell again. And got back up again.
He heard people chatter about how he would never finish the program; how it was impossible. He was destined to his fate. They said he would fail.
Arthur refused to listen to them. He never gave up. The determination… the intensity… the drive… was now in his control. He saw others who had made it through DDP’s program before him in testimonials. He sought encouragement and advice with a support line. He did whatever it took to…
Keep Going The Distance
Once he broke through the wall of resistance – the one he built around him for so many years – he felt the changes taking place.
Real changes.
He felt stronger. He learned how to breathe right. He took control of what he ate. He knew it would result in a longer life span for quality time spent with his wife and children.
Through DDP’s program, and with consistent support after purchase, he made fitness a part of his life.
He felt ALIVE.
Today, Arthur weighs less than 200 pounds. He moves without crutches. He walks without leg braces. He stands without back braces. And he can put on his own damn pants thank you very much.
Arthur rejected his fate and…
Evolved Into A Determined Champion
In the sports and fitness industry, we sell products and services directly to clients. Clients may be consumers or fellow businesses.
For me in particular, I develop direct response marketing messages to be sent through the proper channels to the appropriate target market. The goal is have the recipients open their wallets and buy the products and/or services. I get paid for doing this.
But pay is not the only reason I do it, nor is it the top reason I do it.
Arthur ultimately made the choice to take control of his life. But if he had never heard or seen the direct marketing messages from DDP’s program, life may have turned out differently for him.
This is why I help legitimate sports and fitness companies sell as many products and services as possible through direct response marketing. I do it…
To Help the Arthurs of the World.
While not everyone shares the same health history as Arthur, many people want better health and fitness for different reasons.
They want to improve their health, reduce stress, fit into smaller size pants, look good for their spouse or significant other, boost their esteem, feel good, have the hottest body they possibly can achieve…
Knowing that a sports and fitness product or service can enrich lives in so many different ways is what drives my efforts in this endeavor. The reason I practice what I preach by exercising and eating right… thrive on motivation… and develop direct response messages in the sports and fitness industry… is the same reason why your sports and fitness marketing is important to you and your clients.
To make a positive difference in people’s lives.